Kamorah was born on Monday May 23rd at 9:16AM she weighed 7 lbs and was 20 inches long, the exact weight and length Ryker was :) my labor and delivery was so fast by the time I got to the hospital and got checked I was fully dilated and they put me in a room, hooked up my IV and said "okay you can push" so I pushed and a few seconds later I had a beautiful baby girl with no pain meds at all and no tearing either I guess that's what happens when it's your fourth baby but I think she was definitely my easiest delivery! Kamorah is such a beautiful baby we're so grateful for her to join our family!
Coming home in her pretty dress!

meeting her Nana and brothers and sister for the first time!

For our vacation we drove to Canada and visited Michael's relatives who live there, this was the first time I had met many of them and had so much fun! We also went to Yellowstone, Zion National Park, Yuba Lake state park, The Nephi Stampede, and visited with friends along the way we wish our vacation could have lasted longer we were enjoying ourselves way too much!
Waterton park in Canada
Looking at the waterfall

Evva by the lake

On the top of Bear's Hump hike

We stayed with Michael's grandma while in Canada and had a great time with her!

The Cardston Temple

seeing the sites in Yellowstone or as Ryker calls it Jellystone (thanks to Yogi Bear, we looked for him while we were there but never saw him):)
The Yellowstone river and Yellowstone's Grand Canyon

waiting for Old Faithful

looking at the buffalo

Hiking at Zion National Park, it was so beautiful!

Michael and I on the jet ski taking Ryker and Evva for a ride on Yuba Lake in Utah

Kamorah's funny face

on the Carousal at the Nephi Stampede

I love the picture of Evva looking at the lake. I'm glad you guys had a good time and I'm glad you're back!
I am so glad that you updated your blog. I have been thinking about you guys a ton lately. That looks like you guys had one killer vacation. Lots of driving. How did the kids do with it? You have an adorable new addition to the family. Congrats! We sure love and miss you guys! Glad everything is going so well!
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