Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr. Appointments and hospitals

I went in for a Dr. appointment today and found out that I'm 3 centimeters dilated, my Dr. wants to induce me tomorrow morning if nothing happens tonight, since during my appointment he also stripped my membranes hoping to induce labor but nothing so far. I also had to go to the hospital for fetal monitoring because I told my Dr. that I didn't feel the baby move very much yesterday but her heartbeat is strong and steady and she has been moving today so everything should be just fine. So, the big news is, tomorrow I'll be a new mommy again and have a little girl for the first time!! We are very excited to see our little Evva Sofia!!


winkieburger said...

Ahhh! Good luck! I hope everything goes well...CONGRATULATIONS!

The Story of us said...

your going to love having a little girl. I am sure that she will be totally spoiled rotten.

chloe's clan said...

I can't believe you are having your baby before me!! I am not scheduled to be induced until Saturday! I will be 1 day shy of 41 weeks if I go that far and ..yeah..I am only at 1cm dialated still. I am very excited for you though and hope all goes well! Never mind my jealous rant! LOL

Unknown said...

congratulations!! can't wait to see pictures!! good luck!

Kurtis said...

Yay!! We can't wait! You gotta post pictures as soon as you feel up to it!

-Noelle, not Kurtis

The Waldon Family said...

Ahhhhhhhhh! I am SO excited for you guys!!! Imagine me sending lots of love and wishes for a good night's sleep your way. Congratulations!

Kelsey said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see pictures of the little gal!

The Lamb Family said...

I can't wait to see pictures of Evva! You will love having a girl! We still wish you guys would move back to Bakersfield;)