Ryker is our sweet heart. He loves to cuddle I nick named him "bug" because he is our cuddle bug and because he is our stink bug too! He poops in the tub almost every time we put him in and on the occasion that he doesn't, he makes up for it by pooping as soon as he's out whether we've got a diaper on him or not, but he always tells us by running and pointing at the spot where the poopy is, I hope this means he'll be easy to potty train! He is 15 months old now and still has never said "Mama" but he does say 'Dada', 'juice', 'that', 'done', 'ball', 'baa' (for bath) and sometimes he says 'eat' and 'yes'. He is hooked on his pacifier and the bottle but yesterday I went cold turkey and only gave him sippy cups he doesn't drink as much which means fewer wet diapers but he's handling the adjustment better than I thought he would. I may let him keep his pacifier just a little while longer I didn't want to take both away at the same time. Ryker loves music and likes to dance whenever he hears it. When we're at the store or if I'm practicing the piano, or if a commercial is on TV with music I can always catch him bobbing his head along.
I also wanted to include a little something about our new baby. we have had two ultrasounds during the second trimester and both times we have been told that it looks like a girl but that it's not as clear as the ultrasound technician would like it so he wouldn't tell us that it is definitely a girl but he did say that if it was a boy there should be something else that he's just not seeing so I'm pretty confident that it is a girl. during our last ultrasound on Feb. 9th the baby was breech so that's what made it harder to see the tell tell parts. Since learning that I have actually had dreams where I have to have an emergency c-section because the baby is breech and won't turn. I didn't think I would be so worried about it but I guess subconsciously I am. I also feel like the baby is a girl because I was more sick with this one than with my boys and I feel like I'm carrying so low Jonah and Ryker were up higher like a big ball right out in front of me. but all of the kicks I feel with this one are at my belly-button or lower. I also really really really want a little girl!!! our ultrasound appointments give us the whole thing recorded on a disc but don't give any still pictures or print outs so until I figure out how to make some stills from the disc or shorten the long version to something more reasonable I don't think I'll be putting any pics of the baby before she's born. but I did have Michael take a few of me today since today marks 6 months so you can at least see the baby bump.