Last year on new year's day we went to Santa Monica and rode bikes on the bike trail by the beach, we had so much fun we decided to make it a tradition so this year we went to San Luis Obispo and rode bikes on their trail to the beach. Again it was so much fun! The kids all love to go for a bike ride and it feels good to be outside all day! We stopped by a river to throw rocks and continued our ride to the beach where we saw tons of beautiful orange and purple starfish! We truly enjoyed ourselves and were glad to share the day together with my parents and brother as well!

Evva was so funny on this boardwalk! She was scared of walking on it because she could see through the slats, poor little girl she really thought she would fall right through them!
P.S. if you were wondering, yes that is duck tape on Evva's gloves and boots, Michael didn't want her to lose them while we were on our bike's so this was his solution. "you might be a redneck if..."
Here's Evva while we were waiting for our lunch, she is a very silly girl and is always making faces!

After bike riding all day and finally getting home we had to let the kids play with sparklers to celebrate the new year! We had such a fun day!